CNU Quidditch Team


  1. The name of this organization shall be the Captain’s of Crucio at Christopher Newport University.

  1. The purpose of the club shall be to offer a place where students can feel welcome to expand their creative imaginations while playing Quidditch with fellow classmates.

  1. Membership
Section 1. Any student regularly enrolled in Christopher Newport University may become a member of the Captain’s of Crucio with voting and office-holding privileges. The standards for qualification and the amount of dues to be paid shall be determined by the club. 

Section 2. Dues, having been decided by the organization as $10 per semester, shall be paid by members only.

Section 3. Captain’s of Crucio shall not haze any prospective member for the purpose of admission into or affiliation with the organization. Members of Captain’s of Crucio are free to leave or dissociate without fear of retribution or harassment. Captain’s of Crucio shall not discriminate based on race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, and sexual orientation. 

  1. Executive Officers
The executive officers of the Captain’s of Crucio shall be as follows: Captain, Commissioner, Secretary, Treasurer, and Referee. 

  1. Duties of the Executive Officers

Section 1. The President is in charge of running practices, and making decisions based on playing time, substitutes, game plans, as well as planning events and keeping in contact with other schools.

Section 2. The Vice President is in charge of assisting the Captain in any way possible, as well as taking the Captain’s duties should the Captain not be able to fulfill them. 

Section 3. The Secretary is to attend all general meetings of the organization and to keep minutes for the group. The secretary will also be in charge of taking pictures of team events, as well as take attendance of members at all events.

Section 4. The Treasurer is to supervise the financial administration of all revenue periodically to the executive committee and membership on the financial condition of the organization, and perform other such duties as may be required by the by-laws or resolutions of the executive committee. 

Section 5. Program Chair is to supervise the planning of events, working with other executive members to plan practices, games, and plan for traveling to away games. They will work closely with the Publicity Chair to increase attendance to games and practices. 

Section 6. The Publicity Chair is to supervise the increase in public attendance at group events. They will work with the Program Chair to put up flyers, posters, etc. 

Article VI - Meetings

Section 1. The regular meetings for the Captains of Crucio shall be determined by the President and the Officers. 

Section 2. Special Meetings may be called by the President at his/her discretion. 

Section 3. 70% of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII - Elections

Section 1. Election of officers shall take place yearly during the fourth week of April.

Section 2. Any student eligible for nomination as an officer of the Executive Committee who: a) meets CNU’s eligibility for student office holding which consists of a 2.0 GPA and b) fulfills the qualifications as set up by the Executive Committee. 

Section 3. A vacancy in any office, except the Presidency, shall be filled only by an election among the members of Captains of Crucio. 

Article VIII - Recall of Officers

Officers of the organization may be dismissed for cause if due process is followed. Grounds for dismissal include dereliction of duties. A motion for a recall of an officer requires a 2/3 vote. 

Article IX - Amendments 

Amendments to this constitution may be proposed to the voting membership by majority vote of the Executive Committee or by petition signed by 1/10 of the voting membership. Amendments shall be declared adopted which are presented at two general meetings and receive a majority favorable vote at both meetings by the voters present.

Article X - By-Laws

By-laws, not inconsistent with the constitution, may be adopted or amended by 2/3 vote of the regular or special meetings, providing the by-laws are submitted at least one week previously at either a regular or special meeting of the general membership.

Article XI - Role of the Advisor

The advisor of the organization shall provide support, counseling, and guidance when needed. The advisor is not expected to attend all meetings. 

Article XII - Responsibilities

The Captains of Crucio shall adhere to Universtiy policies and all city, state, and federal laws. 

Article XIII - Ratification 

The constitution shall become effective upon ratification by a majority of the organization’s membership and Office of Student Activities.